Monday, April 22, 2013

Prejudice Against Women. Women Talk More Than Men.


      As we know in society we have stereotype that women talk too much, and their chat sometimes has  no sense or useful information. But some evidence show that when women and men are together, it is the men who talk most. Many researches found that when men and women have business meeting in most cases men speak most, women used to speak only once or twice. Another example is amounts that girls and boys contribute to classroom talk. From kindergarten or  secondary education males dominate in a classroom talk or discussions. Men talk more than women in public, formal contexts because they perceive participating and orally contributing in such contexts as an activity which increases their status, and men seem to be more concerned with arguing status and power than women are. In conversation men tend to contribute more information and opinions, while women contribute more agreeing or supportive talk.   If women talk at all, this may be perceived as ‘too much talk’ by men who expect them to provide a decorative background in many social contexts. Men generally talk more in formal or public contexts where informative talk is highly valued, and where talk is generally the prerogative of those with some status and has the potential for increasing that status. On the ooposite side women are more likely to contribute in private or informal interactions, where talk more often functions to maintain relationships, and in other situations where for some reasons they feel socially confident.
     So on this evidence we must conclude that the stereotype of the garrulous woman reflects  prejudice against women rather than objective reality.

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